Mentee Tips
How to Handle Your Mentee Position
Be respectful, timely, flexible and use professional language.
Address your mentor by their preferred credentials. (Ph.D./DCN = Dr; Mrs.; Mr.; Sir.; Ma’am)
Communicate with your RD mentor using the preferred mode of communication.
Provide your mentor an updated resume so they can see your experience.
Complete the mentor-mentee contract to set goals and expectations with your RD.
Discuss and understand the projects and assignments given to you by your RD. If something is unclear, ask your RD mentor for clarification.
Be clear about your time and effort commitments to the program and your ability to complete the tasks assigned.
If you have trouble understanding or agreeing with the given tasks, speak with your RD or contact the program coordinators through email (rdmentorshipprogram@gmail.com).
Communicate your class schedule and realistic time you will be able to devote to this mentoring program, especially around exam time.

What Is Your Role As A Mentee?
As a mentee participating in the RD Mentorship Program, you are expected to display professionalism and respect. You are also a representative of your university’s nutrition department. You applied to be a part of this program and are expected to follow through with your commitment by engaging in communication, working with the RD you were matched with, and accomplishing project goals.
How to Gain the Most From Your Experience
Complete assigned tasks by the identified deadline and ask your RD mentor for feedback.
Get to know your RD! Prepare and ask relevant questions and listen. Use questions below for ideas.
​What is the dietetic internship like? What does a typical workday look like for the RD?
What advice would the RD offer DPD students regarding the DI application process?
What are some challenges the RD faces in the professional field and how can future RDs prepare for them?
What skills are necessary for becoming a successful professional?
Depending on the area of focus that the RD has, what are some resources for specializing RDs?
What are some good ways to manage finances through the dietetic internship and as a working professional?
Where can the student seek advice while completing the dietetics program and dietetic internship?
​3. Most importantly, think of this program as a growing experience for both involved!